Friday, December 10, 2010


The University of Botswana library extension service staff would like to wish all of you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We believe you are all looking forward to the festive season, and the New year.We want to thank you all for your tremendous support during this exciting year and we believe you will continue working harmoniously with us next year!Once more, Happy festive season and a prosperous 2011!
Here is a Christmas song for you, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Closure of the CCE North Library

All University of Botswana library branches, including the CCE North library branch, will be closing down for the christmas and new year Vacation at 4:30 p.m on Tuesday, 14th December 2010, and re-open on the 4th of January 2011, at 7:45 a.m. To all the students i say, enjoy your holidays, but make sure that one of your new years' resolutions is committing to make maximum use of the library facilities and services.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Accessing past examination papers

A lot of you have been coming to my office for assistance on how to access past examination papers. Here is a guide as to how to go about it.

  • On U.B Library webpage, select past examination papers
  • Select year and click on preferred faculty
  • Seelect preffered department and course
  • Click on search
  • The selected exam paper will be selected
  • If the paper is not available, it will be indicated that the page cannot be found

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Academic dishonesty

I know some of you have looked at the university of Botswana's academic dishonesty policy before and are conversant with the issue. However, the Deputy Vice chancellor has sent a flier on the subject that i want to share with you. It reads as follows:


• harms the good reputation of our University
• affects your personal integrity
• is a barrier to the acquisition of the knowledge,
skills and attitudes you would have acquired at the end of your study
• decreases your value in the eyes of employers
• has a heavy penalty including expulsion from UB

Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs

However, if you are the kind of person who learn better from videos, visit you tube videos on academic dishonesty. These are videos and they will make you instrospect and laugh. You tube also has some tutorials on academic dishonesty. Here is one that also has a short quiz at the end. Relax and watch.

Computer use

I have heard some of you complain that library computers are just not enough for all of you. Surprisingly, some of you assist people who are not staff and students of the university to log into the library computers. Please note that library computers are strictly intended for the academic use of students and staff of the university, who should use their login username and passwords to access them. Computers are availed to external customers strictly to access the catalogue, and it is the responsibility of the library staff to assist them to do so. As such, do not login for anyone using your pasword as you will be answerable to any damages that may occur in any computer that has been logged on by you.

Eating and drinking within the library premises

I know stress from examinations can bring a lot of hunger pangs, but i want to appeal to all of you to avoid bringing food and drinks into the library. A couple of times i have seen a few students trying to smuggle food and drinks into the library. I want to remind you that eating and drinking is strictly prohibited within the library premises. You know WHY????? This is because food attracts rats and cockroaches. These unwanted guests not only destroy library materials, but also pose a health hazard to library users and staff. Spills also cause stains and damage library materials, equipment and furniture. You are therefore requested to desist from bringing food and drinks into the library. Help us make our library a healthier place to work and study.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Health and wellness day

CCE North is planning a health and wellness day activity on the 2nd of December 2010. I know most of you want to leave for your holidays as soon as possible. Please do not leave before the activity as this is a day surely not to be missed. The day will start with a walk from Marang filling station to CCE North premises. We have invited a number of professionals to make presentations on this day. Entertainment will also be galore, and we will definitely provide some snacks and refreshments for you. Can you afford to miss? Definitely not, so see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Eating for exams

I've just come across a website that gives advice on what to eat while preparing for an exam. Some of the advice given include,
  • Eating a balanced meal before exam
  • Eating protein rich foods like eggs, cheese and yoghurt
  • Keeping meals light, as heavy dishes will make you drowsy
  • Avoiding caffeine altogether
  • Drinking a healthy energy drink if you are too nervous to eat
  • Take a multivitamin everyday. Omega 3's and B vitamins increase brain fuctionality
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Keep healthy snacks in your bag to eat between exams

For more information, visit:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Library Hours for exam study

In order to support your learning and study needs, and to provide you with as much library access as possible, the CCE North library will be open on the weekends of 6th -7th November 2010 & 13th -14th November 2010. The library will open from 10 a.m-4: 00 p.m on both weekends.
Please visit the library during this period, and use this oportunity maximally to study. Remember, time wasted never returns!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Business Degree Program & DABS exams

Exams will be here in two weeks time and i want to remind all of you to collect your copy of the exam time table. Exam for DABS will run on the weekends of 6th -7th November 2010 & 13th - 14th November 2010. However, the Business Degree Programme exam will run weekday from the 15th - 19th of November 2010. I want to wish you all the best as you prepare for your exams. Good luck!!!!!!!!!

For more enquiries on CCE exams, contact:
Coordinator, CCE North -DABS-Mr P.S Mosweu
Tel: 246 8201 (Francistown)
Tel: (+267) 355 8212 –Mrs O. Kuswani

Coordinator-CCE South-Dr Kuruba, G
Tel: 355 2059 (Gaborone)
Tel: (+267) 355 5138 - Ms D. Motswagosele,
Tel: (+267) 355 5141 – Mrs M. Marakakgoro

Friday, October 29, 2010

Use of cellphones in the library

It puzzles me why some of you continue to use cell phones within the library despite the presence of library notices prohibiting cellphones. Please note that out of consideration for other patrons, the use of cellphones in the library is not allowed. This is because cellphones contribute to noise problems in the library. As such, all cellphones should be switched off when entering the library, or alternatively, phone should be muted.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Attention-Lecturers and Tutors

Semester 2 is just about 9 weeks away and and by now you should have already started preparing for it. Send me your course outlines or reading lists now so that we could ensure that all the materials are available next semester.
I know most of you are swamped with work and may not have the time to come to my office. Just send me an email with your reading list or course outline.

Friday, September 17, 2010

What do you think of the Library-First year students

I take it that by now you have all gone on a library tour/orientation, borrowed books, used one of the computers, searched the catalogue, asked a question at the reference desk, and attended an Information Literacy Skills class (GEC 121). What was your impression of the services offered by the CCE North library? Lets hear from you!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Collections at Palapye Technical College

I know some of you have been using some of our books that have been housed at palapye Technical College. I want to inform you that all books have now been moved to CCE North library. However, do not panic as we will still ensure that you have access to all information sources you want. Should you need to get any books from the CCE North library, just send an email to the librarian stating the items you want. These will then be issued to your account and availed to you when you come for residential sessions. Remember to email the librarian so that when you come everything is ready.
Looking forward to getting loads of emails from you requesting for library materials

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ndibo's Sponsored Walk

As anticipated, Ndibo Motlhabani's sponsored walk was a success. This was held on 31st July 2010 to raise money to purchase her a new wheel chair. Themed 'together we can', the walk started at Francistown BMC circle, passing through Marang hotel to CCE premises. On arrival, the chief walker Mr Malanga gave a very warm & remarkable speech, indicating that people with disabilities need our support, and that we should lend them a hand to ensure that they realise their dreams. With happiness written all over her face, Ndibo could not stop thanking the CCE students and staff. To all CCE North staff , i say, you have achieved, and keep on doing more!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Study Guide for Economics

Economics giving you nightmares BDP & DABS students???? Here is a study guide that will make Economics easier for you.

Mc Connel, C.R., Brue, S.L., Flynn, S.M., & Walstad, W.B.(2009). Study guide for use with Economics.
Newyork: McGraw-hill.
Call No: 339 WAL

The study guide has a bonus chapter on the economics of developing countries. This is accessible online at

Friday, July 16, 2010

Short Course-Dial-A-Smile

CCE North will be running a 2 day short course, Dial-a-smile, from the 26th to the 28th of July 2010. This course targets mainly staff who work in the front office, for example, receptionists and telephone operators in any organisation. This is surely an opportunity for all of you DABS and BDP students who work as front desk officers. We also encourage you to pass on this information to all your friends and relatives who are likely to have interest in the course. The course will run for a fee of P1350.00 per participant. The closing date for registration is the 23rd of July, so hurry and secure your space. The library has a video entitled, Quality calls, which can help you prepare for the course. It will guide you through the techniques that will enable you to give a quality service through the telephone. You want to watch the video???? If you do, then quickly visit the library!

Pre-medical students

Have you spotted people walking around campus wearing white overcoats and wondering who they are? Well, let me solve the mystery for you. CCE North is temporarily a home for 29 pre-medical students who are currently undergoing clinical exposure at Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital. They however use the CCE North center for library services, I.T services, including video conferencing. Let us welcome them warmly, and make them feel at home! Well, i take it that this is an opportunity for all DABS and BDP students to interact with full time students from the main campus. Surely this is an opportunity to share experiences.

New Book at CCE North Library

Turner, L.G., & Weickgenannt, A.B. (2009).
Accounting Information Systems: Controls and Processes
Hoboken, N.J: John Weley.

Call no: 657.0285 TUR

The book introduces you to essential technology used by accountants, in a very simplified way. It also introduces you to business processes and explains concepts of Accounting Information Systems (AIS).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Need a guide for a winning business plan???

Brown, R., Barrow, C., & Barrow, P. (2008)
The business plan workbook: The definitive guide to researching, writing up and presenting a winning plan.
London: Kogan Page.
Call No: 658.401 BAR

This book will guide you in all aspects of business planning. Using case examples, it brings together the processes and procedures for producing a persuasive business plan.

If you are going to attend the upcoming Entrepreneural skills course, this is a book surely not to be missed!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Reminder! Ndibo Motlhabane's sponsored walk

Let us remind all of you of the upcoming sponsored walk for Ndibo Motlhabane, who is a physically challenged student undertaking some computer short courses here at CCE North. This will be held on the 31st of July 2010 and all library staff will participate. The aim of the walk is to raise money to purchase an electronic wheel chair for Ndibo. We can't wait to see Ndibo being mobile with her new wheel chair, as this will surely make it easier for her to visit the library. All students and staff of the CCE North, including those who have enrolled in short courses, are urged to participate in the walk. If you have not yet collected your sponsored walk sheet, please do so. These can be collected fom Ms Betty Chazha, at the main reception. You surely do not want to be left us, so act now!

Farewell Jerry

I know some of you may be wondering as to where Mr Tibone Jeremiah has 'dissapeared' to. As you may know, Jerry had just returned back from study leave, where he was pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. On completion of his studies, he had a stint with us here at CCE North library, and later got transferred to the main campus in Gaborone. We wish him all the best in his career at the Main Campus. Farewell Jerry!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Registration Period-Business Degree by Distance Mode

This goes out to all new and returning students in the Business Degree Programme by distance mode. Your registration period runs from the 26th of July 2010-31st July 2010. New students will have their general orientation on the 28th of July and the 29th will be for library orientation. All these will be held at the main campus. Returning students are urged to share this information with the new students. All new students are encouraged to take this opportunity to meet with the library staff and hear about the exciting services and resources that the University of Botswana library has to offer.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Entrepreneurial Skills Course

An opportunity is finally here for all of you who are interested in acquiring skills to start a business. Centre for Continuing Education, in collaboration with the Botswana National Youth Council, will be running a 3 day course on entrepreneurial skills here at CCE North. The course will run from the 28th to 30th June 2010, at a fee of P1375.00 per participant. The library has a variety of materials on acquiring business and Enrepreneurial skills, so visit us and prepare yourself for the course. The closing date for registration is 24th June 2010, so hurry and meet the deadline!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fund Raising Dinner

On April 2010, CCE North HIV committe held a well attended charity fund raising dinner. This was a day surely not to be missed. The dinner place was well decorated, with good music, and food was galore. We want to congratulate the organising team for a job well done, especialy Kagiso Balopi (from the library) and Betty Chazha (Admin).We are impressed by how creative and imaginative you were!!!!!!Hats off ladies!!!!!If you happen to have missed the dinner, do not worry as the plan is to make this an annual event. However, there is another activity coming soon. On the 31st of July, there will be a sponsored walk to raise funds for Ndibo Motlhabane's wheel chair. As you may be aware, Ndibo is a physically challenged student here at CCE North. You are all encouraged to participate in this activity, especially students. See you there!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Here comes a BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know most of you are very exhausted from the exam period. Do not worry, your time to rest is finally here! Wishing all of you a blissful and restful vacation period. Take good care of yourselves and come back in one piece, ready for the next academic year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Discussion room: Tell us your views

Have you had an opportunity to use the discussion room during the exam period? How have you used it? What are your experiences? Did you find it comfortable? Let us know by posting a comment here.

Return of library materials

Conversation overheard from students

'I think i will borrow a few books from the library to use during this long vacation'

Our Response:

Unfortunately, you are all expected to clear your accounts with the library before you proceed on long vacation. Your accounts will then be activated once you register with the university in the next academic year {2010-2011}. With most books back in the library, this period gives us time to check on our library stock, and make repairs and replacements (if necessary) so that we are ready when you re-open next semester. Sorry guys!!!

Registration dates-DABS students

We are surely looking forward to seeing and working with all of you next semester, so we have decided to let you know of the registration dates for all DABS centers.

Maun-Maun Technical College 05/07/2010

Selibe Phikwe- Meepong CJSS 05/07/2010

Francistown-CCE North 05-09 /07/2010

Mahalapye-Madiba SSS 06/07/2010

Jwaneng-Morama CJSS 05/07/2010

Lobatse-Itireleng CJSS 06/07/2010

Gaborone-Main Campus 05-09/07/2010

Lectures Begin 12-07-2010

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog, CCE North students and staff! We are so happy that finally we will have constant interaction with you through our blog. This will give us an opportunity to learn more about you information needs, what you would like to read, and your views on how we can assist and serve you. Please also use this platform to share your ideas and experiences, as we believe that we can learn a lot from you. We would also use this blog to update you on our initiatives and new products in the library, and any other activities taking place here at CCE North. Please be an active member of the blog and let your voice be heard! Will you actively participate, let us know!