Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Study Guide for Economics

Economics giving you nightmares BDP & DABS students???? Here is a study guide that will make Economics easier for you.

Mc Connel, C.R., Brue, S.L., Flynn, S.M., & Walstad, W.B.(2009). Study guide for use with Economics.
Newyork: McGraw-hill.
Call No: 339 WAL

The study guide has a bonus chapter on the economics of developing countries. This is accessible online at

Friday, July 16, 2010

Short Course-Dial-A-Smile

CCE North will be running a 2 day short course, Dial-a-smile, from the 26th to the 28th of July 2010. This course targets mainly staff who work in the front office, for example, receptionists and telephone operators in any organisation. This is surely an opportunity for all of you DABS and BDP students who work as front desk officers. We also encourage you to pass on this information to all your friends and relatives who are likely to have interest in the course. The course will run for a fee of P1350.00 per participant. The closing date for registration is the 23rd of July, so hurry and secure your space. The library has a video entitled, Quality calls, which can help you prepare for the course. It will guide you through the techniques that will enable you to give a quality service through the telephone. You want to watch the video???? If you do, then quickly visit the library!

Pre-medical students

Have you spotted people walking around campus wearing white overcoats and wondering who they are? Well, let me solve the mystery for you. CCE North is temporarily a home for 29 pre-medical students who are currently undergoing clinical exposure at Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital. They however use the CCE North center for library services, I.T services, including video conferencing. Let us welcome them warmly, and make them feel at home! Well, i take it that this is an opportunity for all DABS and BDP students to interact with full time students from the main campus. Surely this is an opportunity to share experiences.

New Book at CCE North Library

Turner, L.G., & Weickgenannt, A.B. (2009).
Accounting Information Systems: Controls and Processes
Hoboken, N.J: John Weley.

Call no: 657.0285 TUR

The book introduces you to essential technology used by accountants, in a very simplified way. It also introduces you to business processes and explains concepts of Accounting Information Systems (AIS).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Need a guide for a winning business plan???

Brown, R., Barrow, C., & Barrow, P. (2008)
The business plan workbook: The definitive guide to researching, writing up and presenting a winning plan.
London: Kogan Page.
Call No: 658.401 BAR

This book will guide you in all aspects of business planning. Using case examples, it brings together the processes and procedures for producing a persuasive business plan.

If you are going to attend the upcoming Entrepreneural skills course, this is a book surely not to be missed!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Reminder! Ndibo Motlhabane's sponsored walk

Let us remind all of you of the upcoming sponsored walk for Ndibo Motlhabane, who is a physically challenged student undertaking some computer short courses here at CCE North. This will be held on the 31st of July 2010 and all library staff will participate. The aim of the walk is to raise money to purchase an electronic wheel chair for Ndibo. We can't wait to see Ndibo being mobile with her new wheel chair, as this will surely make it easier for her to visit the library. All students and staff of the CCE North, including those who have enrolled in short courses, are urged to participate in the walk. If you have not yet collected your sponsored walk sheet, please do so. These can be collected fom Ms Betty Chazha, at the main reception. You surely do not want to be left us, so act now!

Farewell Jerry

I know some of you may be wondering as to where Mr Tibone Jeremiah has 'dissapeared' to. As you may know, Jerry had just returned back from study leave, where he was pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. On completion of his studies, he had a stint with us here at CCE North library, and later got transferred to the main campus in Gaborone. We wish him all the best in his career at the Main Campus. Farewell Jerry!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Registration Period-Business Degree by Distance Mode

This goes out to all new and returning students in the Business Degree Programme by distance mode. Your registration period runs from the 26th of July 2010-31st July 2010. New students will have their general orientation on the 28th of July and the 29th will be for library orientation. All these will be held at the main campus. Returning students are urged to share this information with the new students. All new students are encouraged to take this opportunity to meet with the library staff and hear about the exciting services and resources that the University of Botswana library has to offer.